PinnedDeFinomics‘DeFi Made Simple.’This Project’s goal is to make DeFi simple and make it easy to introduce to others on how it works and can have confidence in investing…Mar 11, 2021Mar 11, 2021
DeFinomicsUPDATE #3We have been working on updates and upgrades to the Platform since Launch. The Info Section has been updated and are now finished updating…May 15, 2021May 15, 2021
DeFinomicsUPDATE #2We are happy to announce the Launch of DeFinomics Presale and will Launch on the DXSale Platform that will lock 80% liquidity until the…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
DeFinomicsUPDATE #1We are now on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We originally were going to launch on Ethereum but the Binance Smart Chain seemed like a good…Mar 28, 2021Mar 28, 2021